Brewery and brewpub of Kranj

The production of beer in Kranj goes back to the times of the Carniolan duchy and was therefore called Krainer beer. It first appeared in 1818 and was produced for 100 years, but then it got lost for almost a century until it was reintroduced by the Brewery of Kranj.


The original recipe comes from the Bavarian royal court and it is still being produced according to the Beer Purity Law. This means that it is made from high-quality malt, natural hops and yeast without additives and conservatives. The Kranj brewery makes dark, light, red, rye and wheat beer. You can try it in its own brewpub or in many bars and cafés in the historic part of the town.

  • LocationJelenčeva 1 (IBI Center), 4000 Kranj (Google Maps)
  • Opening hours:

Tue.-Thu.: 11am-11pm

Sat.: 11am-12pm

  • Contact:

00 386 40 206 018

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