About the use of cookies

Effective date: 12-Mar-2024

Date last updated:   12-Mar-2024

This cookie policy explains what cookies are and how we use them, the types of cookies we use, i.e. information we collect through cookies and how this information is used and how to control cookie settings. For more information on how we use, store and protect your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

You can change or withdraw your consent to the cookie statement on our website at any time,

Read more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Your consent applies to the following domains: visitkranj.com

What are cookies?​​

Cookies are small text files used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when a website is loaded in your browser. These cookies help us to make the website work properly, to make it more secure, to provide a better user experience and to understand how the website works and to analyze what is working and where it needs to be improved.

How do we use cookies?

Like most online services, our website uses its own and third-party cookies for several purposes. Own cookies are mostly necessary for the proper functioning of the website and do not collect any of your personal data.

The third-party cookies used on our website are mainly for understanding how the website works, interacting with our website, securing our services, delivering advertisements that are relevant to you, and generally providing you with a better and improved user experience. experience and help speed up your future interactions with our site.

What types of cookies do we use?

How can I control cookie settings?​

If you decide to change your preferences later during your browsing session, you can click on the “Cookie Settings” cookie icon on the screen. This will bring up the consent notice again, allowing you to change your preferences or withdraw your consent entirely.

In addition, different browsers offer different methods for blocking and deleting cookies used by websites. You can change your browser settings to block/delete cookies. To learn more about managing and deleting cookies, visit wikipedia.org, www.allaboutcookies.org.

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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis ac lorem quis sodales. Proin sed blandit lectus. Ut ac consequat leo, sed varius neque. Morbi molestie risus arcu, et placerat odio rhoncus ornare. In mollis feugiat dui a aliquam. Nullam eget egestas ante. Aenean accumsan euismod felis nec bibendum. Praesent quis orci vel ligula maximus pulvinar ac eu erat. Cras dapibus id dolor eu pellentesque. Fusce ultrices hendrerit lacinia.

Fusce volutpat sodales pretium. Aenean lacinia erat dictum, auctor enim quis, finibus mauris. In rhoncus enim tincidunt dui iaculis, quis iaculis tortor mattis. Donec tincidunt dui ut ante pretium tempor. Vestibulum rutrum blandit lacus, a ultricies enim vulputate a. Ut feugiat bibendum egestas. Integer vel accumsan nisl, at tristique diam.

Nunc congue sapien rutrum, dictum ante id, lacinia dolor. Maecenas pretium ullamcorper dictum. Duis posuere justo dui, sagittis fringilla orci faucibus in. Aliquam porta libero massa, in pellentesque tellus aliquet nec. Cras imperdiet vitae dui nec vestibulum. Sed suscipit sed lacus non porttitor. Suspendisse mollis ultrices placerat.

Vestibulum sit amet dolor ut diam hendrerit fermentum ac dignissim sem. Vivamus at sollicitudin urna. Curabitur a enim finibus felis placerat tincidunt vitae sed turpis. Duis ullamcorper sem ut viverra convallis. Duis efficitur non ex et ullamcorper. Suspendisse euismod posuere dolor eu blandit. Nulla placerat metus sed tortor porta vehicula. Curabitur vitae risus et odio faucibus bibendum sit amet a diam. Donec non placerat felis. Morbi dignissim sem at blandit ultricies. Phasellus enim turpis, auctor scelerisque tellus sed, aliquam commodo dui. Phasellus sollicitudin dapibus orci eget iaculis. Ut eget eleifend odio.

Suspendisse fermentum eu ligula sed hendrerit. Quisque finibus est diam, vitae laoreet lacus blandit at. Nunc rhoncus a mi sed laoreet. Vivamus quis porta enim. Cras consequat auctor massa, vitae viverra tortor consequat vitae. Proin id ullamcorper neque. Nunc mattis, neque eu accumsan dictum, nunc eros luctus sapien, sed vulputate erat dolor non tellus. Aliquam finibus eros ut odio mattis elementum.