Winter in Kranj
Kranj is the perfect city if you are looking for Alpine air and urban flair.
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Sustainable Kranj
Kranj is proud to have been awarded the Slovenia Green Destination Platinum Label
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Kranj 360°
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Our visitors

The tunnels under the Kranj are certainly one of the highlights in Kranj. The visit is only possible with a guided tour, which you can meet at the tourist information office. The tour is very interesting and informative about the wildlife that has settled in the tunnels. A small highlight is the air raid alarm. We had fun on the tour and the guide was very cool.
Sharkie994, UK
It was interesting to see the Ossuary under the St. Kancijan church, with the pavement directly above you. To get in, we first went to the Town Hall round the corner and asked to view the Ossuary. I think we were charged €1-2 and the attendant took us down the street and waited whilst we had a look. It's only small so we were in there for 10 minutes.
George, Bulgaria
I was visiting Planica ski flying competition this year and decided to stop at Kranj. The city, although small, offers nice opportunities to see something. If you are not sure what exactly to do, visit the Tourist Information Center and see what your options are. The guys are very helpful, I would say. Additionally, the shop has plenty of items you could see and buy. I would recommend spending 3-4 hours in this town, especially if the weather is nice. It is nice and quite relaxing.
Vessi, UK
Easy bus journey from Bled. Kranj Tourist Office is in a beautiful old townhouse right beside the main square. It was the perfect place to get advice and info. Had a wonderful day in Kranj thanks to the staff in here.
Freda, UK
We realised that the real world had been left behind when we wended our way through the narrow historic streets of Kranj on its high promontory. Our expectations were not high as we passed through the commercial suburbs on the approach road lower down. We covered a lot in a short time thanks to the friendly welcome we received at the Tourist Office. Rather than just giving us a fist full of pamphlets, we were asked where our interests lay and how much time was available. That approach made a lot of difference.
Terry, USA
Kranj is definitely worth a day trip or a stop along the road between Ljubljana and Bled.
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