Kranj - Green Destination

GREEN KEY – Tunnels under the old town of Kranj | Our commitment to sustainability

In order to make an even greater contribution to raising awareness of the importance of environmental protection, the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj, in cooperation with the Municipality of Kranj, decided to submit an application for the “GREEN KEY” environmental label to be awarded to the tourist attraction Tunnels under the Old Town of Kranj.

It is an international environmental label that recognises efforts of tourism establishments towards sustainability and environmental friendliness. The programme is designed to promote responsible management of natural resources, lower energy and water consumption and minimising environmental impact. Among other things, the award of the label gives visitors greater visibility of companies that care about nature and the environment.

We are very pleased to announce that Tunnels under the Old Town of Kranj have received the Green Key sustainable environmental label. We are proud to be part of the drive for a sustainable future and committed to continuously improving our behaviour for the sake of the environment.

Our tourism organisation recognises the importance of sustainability and has implemented a number of measures to reduce a negative impact on the environment. Some of the key activities include:

Staff engagement: We regularly raise awareness of the importance of sustainable management, encouraging employees to make environmentally friendly choices in their daily work.

Visitor information: Visitors are encouraged to use sustainable means of transport when attending our events and tours. At events such as the Wine Route and Halloween we have a sustainable approach. Visitors are encouraged to arrive in a sustainable way (by bicycle, on foot, by public transport or by carpooling). We avoid the use of single-use plastics at events at other locations, as well as at events in the Tunnels under the Old Town of Kranj. Specifically at the Wine Route event, we use glass and returnable eco jars and ensure that any waste is collected separately.

Indoor environment: Smoking is strictly prohibited in the tunnels and other indoor areas, as we wish to ensure a clean and healthy environment for all visitors.

Washing and cleaning: We use cleaning products that carry an eco label to clean toilets and other areas in order to make the cleaning environmentally friendly.

Administration: We focus on digitising business processes to reduce the need for printed materials and increase the use of digital content.

By regularly implementing the above measures, we are working towards a sustainable future and reducing our environmental footprint.

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