The villa on Koroška Street was built for the doctor and art lover Jože Bežek. His brother Nikolaj had the idea to hire the architect Jože Plečnik. The interior of the villa was adapted to the needs of the doctor’s practice. On the ground floor were the practice and the waiting room and a kitchen with a guest room. The doctor’s apartment was on the first floor and the wooden staircase was designed Plečnik with special attention.
After the death of Jože Bežek, the villa was sold to the Mountaineering Society and the Gorenjska Tourist Board. Unfortunately, the interior no longer corresponds to the vision of Plečnik after it was rebuilt into an office space.
Source: Famous Villas in Slovenia, Damjan Prelovšek et al.
- Location: Koroška cesta 27, 4000 Kranj (google maps)