
October 2024
Tunnels under old town of Kranj

October 2024

Details of the event 2024 will be announced in the coming months.


Unusual things happen again in the Tunnels under the old town. Dark forces are constantly lurking around us, and every now and then a shiver runs down your spine. Do you dare to come closer to the truth? Enter the underground of Kranj and experience the nightmare.

A fairytale world will appear in the Tunnels under the old town at the end of October and it will be only visible to children. The hunchback Grunf lives there, he behaves somehow strangely and has some communication problems. But he has a great love for his unusual pets, which he simply keeps in his antique stroller. Despite his appearance, Grunf is a friendly and gentle creature. He likes to play with children, since he missed her company so much when he was growing up. He wishes to introduce them to his pets and he especially likes to make balloon figures for them, such as little ghosts, scarecrows or scary hats.

Halloween in the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj can be horrifying, dark and scary, but when walking this path, children can lose their fear of animals and darkness. In the enchanted labyrinth they learn to rely on their own sense of direction. After these adventures, they walk with lanterns to the fairytale witch that tells them the story of Alice in Wonderland. The artist will also draw this wonderful story into the sand, right there in front of your eyes.

The performances will be in Slovenian.


* The exact date and programme to be announced.

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