2 June 2024
Kranj City Centre

2 June 2024

The Slovenian 12-Hour Run is the only ultramarathon held in a city centre, in Slovenia and beyond. This year, Kranj will host the fifth edition of the SLO12RUN. Runners will run on a 1292-metre AIMS-certified circular course.

In order to encourage runners who have previously preferred to compete over shorter distances to take part in the race, there will be an opportunity to take part in a 6-hour run.

The organiser is expecting 150 runners from abroad and from Slovenia. This year’s race brings plenty of new features:

  • Runners from 15 countries are already on the entry list, including the ultramarathon legend Yiannis Kouros from Greece, Poland’s Patrycja Bereznowska (holder of the women’s record at the Spartathlon) and Ivan Penalba Lopez from Spain;
  • The race will count as the 12 Hours National Championship;
  • Two outstanding race coordinators: Marko Roblek and Niko Rakovec;
  • Spectator stand in the start-finish area;
  • Bridge over Tavčar Street to facilitate the passage of pedestrians and cyclists;
  • Sports equipment and sports nutrition fair on Saturday, 4 June 2022 and Sunday, 5 June 2022;
  • Saturday evening talk with renowned ultramarathoners and other important guests.

For the second time in a row, the Slovenian 12-Hour Run has been awarded the IAU Silver Badge (International Association of Ultrarunners), which proves that it has become an internationally recognised race at the top level. With the desire to attract even more local and international ultra marathon runners to this unique event, we will take the event to the next level. We can guarantee that all the competitors of this year’s Slovenian 12 Hours Run will have an unforgettable running experience in Kranj!

We encourage you to register as soon as possible, as the popularity of the race grows year by year and the number of competitors is limited. Registration is now open on the website

Raed more about the event here.

The co-organiser of the National Championships is the Culture and Tourism Board Kranj, with the support of the Municipality of Kranj and the Athletics Federation of Slovenia.

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