The Week of Slovenian Drama

March - April 2025
Prešeren Theatre Kranj

March – April 2025

Details of the event 2025 will be announced in the coming months.


The Week of Slovenian Drama is the central festival of performances that are based on Slovenian drama texts. For more than half a century already, it has been organised by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kranj. It encourages the staging of drama texts, their creation and promotion, as well as performances abroad. The festival starts every year on 27 March, World Theatre Day.

This year’s festival has a rich programme in three sections:

Competition programme (seven productions)
Accompanying programme (five productions)
Youth programme (three productions)

There will be also an exclusive event – a production of Antigone by Sophocles and Žižek directed by Mateja Koležnik and produced by the Residenztheater Munich – and an additional programme.

More information about the festival can be found HERE.

The 54th Slovenian Drama Week brings a strong selection of last year’s outstanding performances, in-depth professional work and a rich additional programme. We are also deepening our international collaborations and projects to support and develop drama in Slovenian language.
Jure Novak, Director of the Prešeren Theatre Kranj

Slovenian drama in the classical sense of the word is undeniably disappearing from our stages.”
Alja Predan, Selector at the 54th Week of Slovenian Drama (TSD)

27 March – 9 April 2024

The Week of Slovenian Drama is the central festival of performances that are based on Slovenian drama texts. For more than half a century already, it has been organised by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kranj. It encourages the staging of drama texts, their creation and promotion, as well as performances abroad. The festival starts every year on 27 March, World Theatre Day.

This year’s festival has a rich programme in three sections:

Competition programme (seven productions)
Accompanying programme (five productions)
Youth programme (three productions)

There will be also an exclusive event – a production of Antigone by Sophocles and Žižek directed by Mateja Koležnik and produced by the Residenztheater Munich – and an additional programme.

More information about the festival can be found HERE.

The 54th Slovenian Drama Week brings a strong selection of last year’s outstanding performances, in-depth professional work and a rich additional programme. We are also deepening our international collaborations and projects to support and develop drama in Slovenian language.
Jure Novak, Director of the Prešeren Theatre Kranj

Slovenian drama in the classical sense of the word is undeniably disappearing from our stages.”
Alja Predan, Selector at the 54th Week of Slovenian Drama (TSD)

marec – april 2024

Pomlad v mesto Kranj prinese živahen in svež kulturni utrip. Osrednji kulturi dogodek je Teden slovenske drame, ki se prične 27. marca, na svetovni dan gledališča.

53. Teden slovenske drame je osrednji festival uprizoritev, nastalih po slovenskih dramskih besedilih, ki ga Prešernovo gledališče Kranj s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo in Mestne občine Kranj organizira že dobrega pol stoletja. Spodbuja uprizarjanje nacionalne dramatike, njeno ustvarjanje in promocijo ter uprizarjanje v tujini.

  • Več informacij o festivalu najdete TUKAJ.
  • Program 53. Tedna slovenske drame najdete TUKAJ.


27. marec – 9. april 2024

Več informacij o Tednu slovenske drame 2024 bo znanih in objavljenih v prihajajočih tednih oz. mesecih.

Teden slovenske drame je osrednji festival uprizoritev, nastalih po slovenskih dramskih besedilih, ki ga Prešernovo gledališče Kranj s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo in Mestne občine Kranj organizira že dobrega pol stoletja. Spodbuja uprizarjanje nacionalne dramatike, njeno ustvarjanje in promocijo ter uprizarjanje v tujini.

marec – april 2024

Pomlad v mesto Kranj prinese živahen in svež kulturni utrip. Osrednji kulturi dogodek je Teden slovenske drame, ki se prične 27. marca, na svetovni dan gledališča.

53. Teden slovenske drame je osrednji festival uprizoritev, nastalih po slovenskih dramskih besedilih, ki ga Prešernovo gledališče Kranj s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo in Mestne občine Kranj organizira že dobrega pol stoletja. Spodbuja uprizarjanje nacionalne dramatike, njeno ustvarjanje in promocijo ter uprizarjanje v tujini.

  • Več informacij o festivalu najdete TUKAJ.
  • Program 53. Tedna slovenske drame najdete TUKAJ.