Across the fields to Škofja Loka

The cycle path across the wide field between the rivers Sora and Sava, from Kranj to Škofja Loka, is ideal for a family trip, since the road leads past pastures and you can also see the train pass by and wave to the passengers.

Park the car in front of the Qlandia shopping centre and cycle over the bridge across the Sava River, called Delavski most. At the first overpass, turn right and cycle over it, then turn left to Orehek. The first road on the right leads you through the village of Orehek and there you follow the main road until you reach the regional road Kranj-Ljubljana. Cross it at the pedestrian crossing with the cycle path that takes you to the road along the railway tracks (Zasavska cesta).

A map of the route (.gpx format) can be downloaded HERE.

Follow the asphalt road that is closed to traffic in most parts. Be careful when crossing the railroad tracks on that road and then follow it on the other side. The road turns left in Trata and then you take the third road right and in the industrial zone you will see the train station of Škofja Loka where you cross the tracks once again.

Then turn right and keep to the main road (Kidričeva cesta) and its cycle path, go straight also through the roundabout, and in a few minutes you are already in the old town of Škofja Loka. In the summer you can visit Puštal, where you can swim in the river and get some refreshments and snacks. For the way back, it’s best to take the same route.


Difficulty level: 1/5

Duration: 2 hours

Distance: 24km

Difference in altitude: 37 m

Ground: asphalt

Starting point: parking lot in front of Qlandia


Map of the Path: .gpx-format (download >> HERE)

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