Active days on the Krvavec mountain

Krvavec is a ski slope that people like to visit at all seasons for active recreation, adrenaline-pumping action, relaxation and fun.


An excellent skiing opportunity in the winter, it is also a park for countless adventures in the summer. The Krvavec Bike Park has 27 km of well-marked cycling routes for every taste and skill level. Did you know that its routes have the highest altitude difference among all bike parks in Slovenia? The adventure park is a lot of fun for the entire family.


You can go for an attractive drive with mountain go-karts or try riding kick scooters and mountain bikes. On the Route of the Shepherd Goblins, you can take your kids on a hunt for the pearls of the Giant Fairies or visit the Goblin’s Garden, experience the life in the Shepherd’s Hut, listen to the Mountain of Sounds and chase the goblin’s curse away.


The extensive slopes are a paradise for hikers who love well-marked paths, the mountain air, the wonderful view and the home cooked cuisine. At the same time, Krvavec is also a favorite spot for paragliding. The gondola lift brings you right to blooming pastures or to the embrace of a winter wonderland and this ride alone is already a great experience.


When you are in Kranj, this mountain lures you with its active adventures even as you look through your window and see how it glows in the sun.

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