Kranj will always be the last recipient of the European Destination of Excellence award

In 2023, Kranj was awarded the European Destination of Excellence title by the European Commission. In 2024, the title has been handed over to Grosseto, a municipality in Tuscany. But as the organisers of the initiative or competition have renamed the award this year into European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism, Kranj is the last […]
SOS Proteus Information Centre among the world’s top 100 sustainability stories

The award, which SOS Proteus Information Centre received for being one of the 100 most sustainable stories in the world, goes to the most deserving person – the biologist Gregor Aljančič and his Institute of the Tular Cave Laboratory. The Mayor of the Municipality of Kranj, Matjaž Rakovec, and the Director of the Kranj Tourism […]
Kranj joins the Slovenia Green Gourmet Route
Pot prečka skoraj vso Slovenijo, ki je bila leta 2021 imenovana za Evropsko gastronomsko regijo. Ob enem pa se popotniki ustavijo tudi v Kranju.
The best water one can drink is available in Kranj
At the Bled Water Forum 2023, co-organised by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning and the Bled Tourist Board, two high awards were presented, one of which was also given to Kranj.
ITB 2023: the EU’s green tourism pioneer paves the way in sustainability
2023 European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) Kranj (Slovenia) is participating in ITB Berlin 2023. Representatives from the destination will be at the European Capital of Smart Tourism stand (Hall 20, stand 303).
Kranj has been awarded the Slovenia Green Destination platinum label under the Slovenian green tourism scheme
This year started with two major awards for the city of Kranj, both of them in the field of sustainable development.
Kranj receives the European Destination of Excellence 2023 award
Kranj was named European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) 2023 by the European Commission at a ceremony in Brussels yesterday evening, where it secured this title in the field of sustainable tourism.