Kranj receives the European Destination of Excellence 2023 award

Kranj pogled iz zraka

Kranj was named European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) 2023 by the European Commission at a ceremony in Brussels yesterday evening, where it secured this title in the field of sustainable tourism.

A total of 20 destinations competed and three of them were shortlisted; in addition to Kranj, Grevena (Greece) and Larnaca (Cyprus). The organiser of the competition has invited the three finalists to present their candidatures to the European jury in Brussels. Kranj impressed the jury not only with its achievements in the field of sustainable tourism, but also with its very concrete programme of activities that the Kranj Tourism and Culture Board (ZTKK) and the Municipality of Kranj (MOK) plan to implement in 2023. It also stood out for the fact that Kranj’s sustainability efforts are a model for other destinations.

This victory is the result of good teamwork between the Municipality of Kranj, the Kranj Tourism and Culture Board and other stakeholders working with us in the field of sustainable development, as well as of the support of the citizens. Projects such as the Golden Label of Slovenian Tourism, the award for the most e-mobile municipality in Slovenia, the green culinary event Kranj Long Table and the SOS Proteus Information Centre have convinced the European Commission. We are delighted that they have recognised our sustainability efforts. This is a great achievement for Kranj, we are very enthusiastic about it,” said Matjaž Rakovec, Mayor of Kranj, praising Vice-Mayor Janez Černe for his excellent presentation in front of the jury in Brussels.

Kranj competed for the European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) title with 20 other destinations, with three making it through to the shortlist. In addition to Kranj, there are also Grevena (Greece) and Larnaca (Cyprus).

As the winning destination, Kranj will be presented in the Europe as a pioneer of sustainable tourism, committed to the objectives of the European Green Deal. In addition to year-round promotion, Kranj will receive professional support in 2023 to promote the destination brand, sustainability efforts and events. As an EDEN destination, Kranj will also participate in creating sustainable tourism guidelines for the future, both within the European tourism industry and on the international level.

The EDEN Destination 2023 title is a great opportunity for Kranj to increase its tourist arrivals. It also puts Kranj much higher on the tourism map both in Slovenia and abroad. It is also an incentive for further development of sustainable tourism products,” says Klemen Malovrh, Director of the Kranj Tourism and Culture Board.

European Destinations of Excellence is an initiative of the European Union, implemented by the European Commission. Its main purpose is to recognise and reward smaller destinations for their successful green transition practices and strategies to promote sustainable tourism. The focus of EDEN is on promoting sustainable tourism development in destinations, as these practices bring added value to the economy, the planet and people.

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