Vovk Garden

If you are looking for a quiet spot in the middle of the town where you can relax and get some rest, then this garden is the right place for you. It is located right next to Khislstein Castle and the Café Khislstein 12.56. Before or after your walk through the castle garden (the choice is yours) you can visit the treasury of knowledge about the region of Gorenjska or enjoy the shade of linden and all the good things that the café has to offer.

The garden is surrounded by remnants of the old town walls that are now complemented by modern elements. On the site of an earlier fortified tower, there is now a semicircular structure as a hint that this tower once stood there and it also functions as a stage for all kinds of events.

Source: Kranj – Monuments of Culture and Nature in Slovenia by Nika Leben and Milan Sagadin

  • Location: By the Khislstein Castle (google maps)
  • Opening hours Khislstein Castle:
  • From Tuesday to Sunday between 10am and 6pm / Closed: Mondays, 1 January, 1 May, 1 November, 25 December and on Easter.
  • Entrance fee: /
  • Contact: Tourist and Culture Board Kranj / tel. 00 386 4 238 04 50 / info@visitkranj.com

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