Church of St. Sebastian, Fabian and Roch at Pungart

The single-nave gothic church was built in the 15th century (1478), after the citizens of Kranj vowed to dedicate it to the saints if they were spared from the plague that was raging through the town at that time. Today it is used by the Serbian Orthodox community.


The painting in the main altar shows the three patron saints of plague victims and is a work by Martin Kremser Schmidt from 1773. Next to it are the statues of St. John Nepomuk and St. Francis Xaverius, created by Valentin Vrbnik. The fresco in the presbytery depicts scenes from the life of St. Roch and was painted by Matija Bradašek, a famous painter of frescoes and oil paintings from the end of the 19th century.

On the facade of the church, the fresco of St. Christopher welcomes people walking towards Pungert. He is the giant with a tree in his hand carrying the little Jesus across the river and Jesus holds the world in his hand. Christopher is regarded as a helper against sudden death and is the patron saint of travellers. The fresco was painted in 2008 by two painters from Kranj, father and son, Vinko and Marko Tušek.

  • LocationTrubarjev trg 6, 4000 Kranj (google maps)
  • Opening hours: /
  • Entrance fee: /
  • Contact: /

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