It's already Friday!

May - September 2024
Main Square

May – September 2024

Every Friday, a relaxed get-together with food and drinks takes place in the Main Square by the fountain. It is a great overture to a carefree weekend!

From 31 May to 6 September, Friday afternoons in Kranj are more interesting due to this event (between 5 pm and 10 pm). It takes place on the Main Square by the fountain, where every Friday after work, locals like to get together for a relaxed evening with food and drinks.

This year’s Friday dates are 31 May, 14 June, 21 June, 28 June, 5 July, 12 July, 19 July, 9 August, 16 August, 23 August and 6 September and the event on the Main Square takes place from 5 pm to 10 pm.

In addition to the good food and drinks, there are well-stocked market stalls where vendors offer a wide variety of high quality, fresh and seasonal fruit and local garden produce. Various musicians will be providing a good vibe, playing their rhythms with people swaying to the music.

For a photo gallery of past events, click HERE.

May – September 2024

Details of the event 2024 will be announced in the coming months.

From 2nd June to 8th September, Friday afternoons in Kranj are livelier with the event “It’s already Friday (Kr petek je)”. It takes place at the main square by the fountain, where every Friday after work one can buy a variety of fresh and seasonal quality products together with the people of Kranj.

Throughout the summer, “Kr petek je” will offer delicious seasonal fruit and local garden produce. To make it all even more diverse, local producers will be joined by growers from other parts of Slovenia. In addition to the well-stocked stalls, there will be special menus in the restaurants in the heart of the town, where gourmets will be in for a treat.

Groups of artists and folklore dancers will create a cheerful atmosphere, and the sounds of various masterful musicians will accompany us into the evening.

Join us in the main square for a relaxed get-together with food and drink in this overture to a carefree weekend!

As we wish to offer only the best to the citizens of Kranj and ensure a lot of variety, we invite local producers, farmers and restaurateurs to join us. For more information, please contact us at

  • For a photo gallery of past “Kr petek je” events, please click HERE.

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