Cheerful summer in Kranj

May - September 2024
Various venues

May – September 2024

In Kranj, you can feel as if you were in a large amphitheatre of the Alps, surrounded by mountains and everything sounds so good here, from jazz to blues, from Slovenian chansons to rock, from musicals to classical music.

Programme 2024


21. 8. – 28. 9.: Kranj Foto Fest 2024
→ 1. 9.: Velika nagrada Kranja – Memorial Filipa Majcna; Kranj
→ 5. 9. (17.00): Kranjska dolga miza, vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 6. 9. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 6. 9. (16.00): Spominska svečanost Bazoviškim junakom, Prešernov gaj
→ 7. 9. (21.00): Gibonni, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 7. 9. (21.00): Leya Leanne, KluBar Gastropub
→ 7. – 8. 9.: L’Etape Slovenia, Kranj
13. – 14. 9. (17.00): Dan kranjske klobase in piva, Glavni trg
13. 9. (18.00): Modna revija, Glavni trg

* We reserve the right to change the programme.

Archive (Programme 2024)


→ 18. 5. (ob 11.00): Odprta Kuhna Kranj, Glavni trg
→ 20. 5. (9.00): Karavana Radia Kranj, Glavni trg
→ 22. 5.: Jenkovi talenti, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 22. 5. (9.00): Parada učenja, Glavni trg
→ 23. 5. (12.00): Frankofonski festival, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 24. 5. (20.00): Kavka Maja – Jure Lesar, Kavka bar
→ 30. 5. – 1. 6.: Bogatajevi dnevi zaščite in reševanja 2024, staro mestno jedro
→ 31. 5. (18.00): Kavka Maja – Mladi bendi GŠ Glasbosned, Kavka bar
→ 31. 5. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 31. 5. – 10. 8.: Festival Kaos


→ 1. 6. (21.00): Dimek & Davor Klarič, KluBar Gastropub
→ 2. 6. (6.00): Slo12Run, staro mestno jedro
→ 7. 6. (20.00): California, Glavni trg
→ 8. 6. (12.00): 12. otroški “Ringaraja” festival, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 8. 6. (21.00): Gedore, KluBar Gastropub
→ 9. 6. (20.30): Ičkoti 2, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 14. 6. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 14. 6. (21.00): Dan D – Tiho, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 14. 6. (21.00): Yani Pearl & Martin Martis, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 15. 6. (21.00): Leteči potepuhi, KluBar Gastropub
→ 15. – 22. 6.: Festival KRAFFT, Moj Kino
→ 15. 6. (8.30): Pozdrav poletju, Glavni trg
→ 16. 6. (17.00): Etnofolk festival, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 16. 6. (20.00): Kr-kult-ura: ABBA poklon, koncert Pihalnega orkestra MOK, Pred Prešernovim gledališčem
→ 17. 6. (19.00): Kr-kult-ura: Zaključni koncert orkestrov GŠ Kranj, Pred Prešernovim gledališčem
→ 18. 6. (19.00): Slavnostni koncert učencev Glasbene šole Kranj ob sklepu šolskega leta 2023/24, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 20. 6. (20.30): Flirrt, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 21. 6. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 21. 6. (21.00): Maruša Kos Quartet, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 22. 6. (21.00): Grunge show, KluBar Gastropub
→ 23. 6. (17.00): Sreča na struni – godalni orkester Veris 2024, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 25. 6. (21.00): Vader, Subart open air 2024 
→ 27. 6. (20.30): Tjaša & Uroš, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 28. 6. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 28. 6. (21.00): Baletni dragulji, Letno gledališče Khislstein, FEST MEST dogodek > TICKETS

→ 28. 6. (21.00): Teden mladih – otvoritev festivala: Rotormotor, TrainStation SubArt
→ 28. 6. (21.00): Gavro Quartet, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 29. 6. (21.00): Rocky III, KluBar Gastropub
→ 30. 6. (20.00): Adi Smolar – Teden mladih, Layerjeva hiša


→ 2. 7. (20.00): Stand up Vid Valič, Aleš Novak, Alen Mastnak, Perica Jerković – Teden mladih, grad Khislstein
→ 3. 7. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Maja Keuc, vrt gradu Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 5. 7. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 5. 7. (20.00): Teden mladih: Vazz + Masayah, TrainStation SubArt
→ 5. 7. (21.00): Nina Pušlar, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 5. 7. (21.00): Vito Marence Trio Flamenco, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 6. 7. (20.00): Teden mladih – zaključni koncert: Jet Black Diamonds, Kokosy, MRFY, TrainStation SubArt
→ 6. 7. (21.00): Keltika, KluBar Gastropub
→ 9. 7. (19.00): Max in Igor Cavalera, Subart open air 2024
→ 9. 7. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: “MI – TI”, Vrt gradu Khilsltein
→ 10. 7. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Rudi Bučar trio, Vrt gradu Khislstein > SOLD OUT
→ 12. 7. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 12. 7. (19.00): The Exploited, Subart open air 2024
→ 12. 7. (21.00): Crvena Jabuka, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 12. 7. (21.00): Primož Vidovič in Matjaž Balažic, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 13. 7. (20.00): Dub Fx, Subart open air 2024
→ 13. 7. (21.00): Belin, KluBar Gastropub
→ 16. 7. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: pripovedovalska predstava: Zares težko je biti dober človek, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 17. 7. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Severa Gjurin z zasedbo, Vrt gradu Khislstein > TICKETS
18. 7. (20.00): The Tiger Lillies, Subart open air 2024

→ 19. 7. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 19. 7. (21.00): Magnifico, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 19. 7. (21.00): Ladybugz, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 20. 7. (21.00): Dobra mrha, KluBar Gastropub
→ 23. 7. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: Literarni večer s predstavitvijo pesniške zbirke Začetek – Pot – Konec, Vrt gradu Khislstein, JSKD
→ 24. 7. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Poseben gušt – poezija Iztoka Mlakarja, Vrt gradu Khislstein > SOLD OUT
→ 24. 7. – 27. 7. Srednjeevropsko prvenstvo v odbojki na mivki; Stara Sava
→ 26. 7.: Kranfest, staro mestno jedro
→ 26. 7. (21.00): Kranfest – YU fešta, KluBar Gastropub
→ 26. 7. (20.00): Kavka Maja – Mish, Kavka bar 
→ 26. 7. (21.00): Žan Serčič, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 26. 7. (21.00): Jazoo, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 27. 7.: Kranfest, staro mestno jedro
→ 27. 7. (21.00): Kranfest – Classic house party, KluBar Gastropub
→ 27. 7. (21.00): Niet, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 27. 7. (21.00): Etnomad, Cafe galerija Pungert


→ 2. 8. (21.00): Romanca, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 3. 8. (21.00): Tomo Jurak – GuGu, KluBar Gastropub
→ 6. 8. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: pripovedovalska predstava: Dekle, obljubljeno soncu, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 9. 8. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 9. 8. (21.00): Puccini: La Boheme, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 9. 8. (21.00): Tomaž Hostnik, Cafe galerija Pungert
→ 10. 8. (21.00): Jan Baray, KluBar Gastropub
→ 13. 8. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: Iztok Geister – predstavitev pesniške zbirke z naslovom Tihe stvari, ki bo izšla ob razstavi Marka Pogačnika v Galeriji Prešernovih nagrajence, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 14. 8.: Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Avtomobili > TICKETS (postponed from 7. 8.)

→ 16. 8. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 16. 8. (21.00): The Dublin Legends (ex The Dubliners), Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 17. 8. (21.00): IF Floyd, KluBar Gastropub
→ 14. – 24. 8.: Jazz Kamp Kranj
→ 20. 8. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: Marko Pogačnik – pogovor z Miklavžem Komeljem o knjigi Vedno v začetku, ki je izšla ob njegovi 80. letnici, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 21. 8. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Nuška Drašček, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 21. 8. – 28. 9.: Kranj Foto Fest 2024
→ 22. 8. (20.30): Vivere, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 23. 8. (17.00): KrPetek je!, Glavni trg
→ 23. 8. (20.30): Maraaya, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 24. 8. (21.00): Gal Gjurin, KluBar Gastropub
→ 27. 8. (20.00): Torkov kulturni vdih: Večer muzikala »En kabarejski večer«, Vrt gradu Khislstein
→ 28. 8. (20.30): Glasbeni večeri pod grajsko lipo: Vlado Kreslin, Vrt gradu Khislstein > SOLD OUT
→ 29. 8.: Kvatropirci, Letno gledališče Khislstein
→ 30. 8. (21.00): Tabu – akustika, Letno gledališče Khislstein > TICKETS
→ 31. 8.: Velika nagrada Kranja – Memorial Filipa Majcna; Kranj
→ 31. 8. (11.00): Odprta kuhna Kranj, Glavni trg

June – September 2024

Details of the event 2024 will be announced in the coming months.


In Kranj, you can feel as if you were in a large amphitheatre of the Alps, surrounded by mountains and everything sounds so good here, from jazz to blues, from Slovenian chansons to rock, from musicals to classical music.

Khislstein Castle

There’s a place for magical experiences in the summer, in the gardens and courtyards behind the walls that surround the Khislstein Castle. Concerts, theatrical performances, conversations with artists and open-air film evenings all take place outdoors. This Cheerful Summer begins with the Breath of Culture on Tuesdays, literary evenings and interesting conversations. Every Wednesday this summer, the coolest, raspy-voiced and hard-boiled Slovenian singer-songwriters invite you to Music Evenings under the Castle Linden Tree. Book a ticket and enjoy an evening of nostalgia with legendary musicians.

On Thursdays, it’s time for Films in the Vovk Garden, our little open-air cinema, where you can enjoy exceptional stories. Bring a blanket to be more comfortable, or a chair. The cinema is free of charge. Even more temperament will be felt on the Khislstein open-air stage.

Summer in Old Kranj 

On Summer Friday Evenings at Pungert you can enjoy really great music in a lively café atmosphere. End of August, the famous Jazz Kamp comes to Pungert and to the old town of Kranj. People here love it so much that we even plan our summer vacation according to its dates. It has a great program and workshops with famous musicians for jazz lovers from far and wide.

The Maister Square is also a great setting for summer events. In the intimate atmosphere of the Kavka Bar, smaller ensembles and soloists present their creativity and uniqueness, especially in acoustic performances.

Every Friday evening, in the Panorama stara pošta bar over the rooftops of Kranj, a DJ plays just the right rhythms for the summer. On some dates, there are themed evenings dedicated to refreshing summer drinks.

In addition to delicious cuisine, the KluBar Gastro Pub also has many interesting concerts.

The summer at the Layer House serves you art exhibitions, festivals, urban projects and evenings with great music on the large green terrace of the café overlooking the sunset.

When the summer arrives in Kranj, the streets are full of magical energy, concerts and other cultural pleasures, scattered throughout the town by the breeze from the Alps. The lively hustle and bustle is complemented by great summer food in the restaurants of Kranj and by the city’s attractions. Don’t miss the Kr’petek je (It’s already Friday!) street food event every Friday starting in the afternoon.

Visit this urban place in the embrace of the Alps and enjoy the warm evenings that can last an hour or two longer in summer. Bring your friends and find a cultural treat for every evening of the week. Let Kranj be your city this summer!

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