Kranj Long Table

5 September 2024
Khiselstein Castle courtyard

5 September 2024 | 5pm – 9pm

📣 Unfortunately, due to the bad weather forecast, the organizers have to CANCEL the green culinary event Kranj Long Table, which was planned for September 5.


Kranj Long Table (tickets HERE) will be set on Thursday, 5 September, between 5 pm and 9 pm, in the in the courtyard of Khiselstein Castle, with places for more than 100 guests.

The focus of this green culinary event will be on top gastronomy as well as on ingredients that are produced in Kranj and the surrounding area. But one of the plates will be quite different, as it will be taking us to the sea.

We have been organising the Kranj Long Table since 2021. More information about this year’s programme will be posted soon HERE, and photos of the tree past events can be found HERE.

The chefs of Kranj’s restaurants Uroš Gorjanc (Gostilna Krištof), Aleš Kristan (Pr’ Končovc), Tomaž Polenec (Restaurant and Café Brioni) and Janez Šetina (Restaurant Elegans of the Brdo Hotel) will be joined this time by Croatian chef David Skoko (Batelina, Pula). The teams of Gostilna Rekar, Gostilna Lakner, Sonet Bistro are also involved in the preparation of the fourth edition of the Kranj Long Table.

How come David Skoko, the first Croatian chef to have a cooking show on 24Kitchen, is coming to Gorenjska? This is because people of Kranj have had a friendly relationship with the city of Pula since the 1960s, and the Skoko family has been running the Batelina restaurant (Michelin Bib Gourmand) in Banjole near Pula for almost a quarter of a century. A few years ago, David Skoko took Chef Gordon Ramsay around Istria to show this part of the Adriatic on the TV show Uncharted, and before that, the legendary Anthony Bourdain visited the famous Croatian chef during the filming of No Reservations.

The Kranj Long Table has been organised since 2021 and focuses on sustainable gastronomy in Kranj, with an emphasis on local production, short supply chains, self-sufficiency and green cuisine. Two of the participating restaurants (Pr’ Končovc and the Elegans Restaurant of the Brdo Hotel) have the Slovenia Green Cuisine label. Krištof restaurant has a Michelin Green Star and some of the other restaurants in Kranj involved in the preparation of this culinary event also have a lot of experience in working together with local farms.

You are invited to meet the chefs and see what they will prepare this year on Thursday, 5 September 2024, in the Khislstein Castle courtyard. If the weather is not favourable on that day, the event will take place one week later (Thursday, 12 September)

Tickets are available at the tourist information Kranjska Hiša (Glavni trg 2) and at Eventim points of sale. Price is 110 euros. You can choose between meat and a vegan menu.

September 2024

Details of the event 2024 will be announced in the coming months.


Once again, like every year, the Kranj Long Table will be set up for 100 guests in the Khiselstein Castle courtyard. The gourmet experience will be focused on the finest of Kranj’s restaurateurs and local suppliers, as ingredients produced in and around Kranj will be served and presented as highlights.

The chefs of Kranj’s restaurants Uroš Gorjanc (Gostilna Krištof), Aleš Kristan (Pr’ Končovc holiday farm) and Tomaž Polenec (Brioni restaurant and café) will this time be joined also by chefs Igor Jagodic (Restauracja Strelec) and Jorg Zupan (Aftr, Breg), both born in Kranj.

In addition to these two restaurants, the teams from Gostilna Rekar, Gostilna Lakner, Bistro Sonet and Dom na Joštu will also be helping to prepare this culinary event with an emphasis on sustainable gastronomy, short supply chains and self-sufficiency. Read more about the program HERE.

Tickets are on sale at Kranjska hiša (Glavni trg 2, Kranj) and at Eventim points of sale. Price is 100€, you have a choice between meat and a vegan menu. Get your tickets HERE.

With this event for foodies, which we have already organised last year and the year before, we wish to strengthen Kranj’s sustainable gastronomy with a focus on local production, short supply chains and self-sufficiency. That is why this time, in addition to chefs and waiters, the focus will also be on individual farmers from Kranj and its countryside, as successful culinary stories are based on ingredients from our immediate surroundings.

You are invited to meet them and see for yourself how great our local food is!

Tickets are on sale from 17 July at Kranjska hiša (Glavni trg 2, Kranj) and at Eventim points of sale. Price is €100 (you have a choice between meat and a vegan menu).

The Kranj Long Table first took place in 2021 and was repeated last year. More about the first event can be seen HERE. A photo gallery with highlights from the first event can be viewed HERE and a video from last year’s event can be found HERE.

Sustainable mobility has a significant impact on reducing our carbon footprint. For advice on how to arrive to the event with a clean and healthy world in mind, please see this Mobility Plan.






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