Pr’ Končovc – open door farm

Na Kmetiji odprtih vrat pr' Končovc so doma pristni okusi kranjskega podeželja. Veliko sestavin, ki jih ponudijo gostom, pridelajo sami.

“Our homestead, with the roots of catering business dating back to 1907, was mentioned in the land register some 700 years ago. At that time, there were seven farms in Javornik. Today, there are six,” says Fani Kristan, reviewing the history of the farm and the Javornik village, situated along the road leading to the top of the Jošt hill.

It was she who, in 1992, was the first person in the municipality of Kranj to decide to open it for farm holidays and restaurant guests. Now, with her help, the Končovc farm is run by her son Aleš and his wife Katarina.

Most of the ingredients offered to guests are their own produce. Here’s how they sum up the essence: “Our aim is to be as self-sufficient as possible and to have a closed circle of nature, animals and people. We learn from nature and animals, while striving for a more genuine coexistence.

In 2021, the Končovc organic farm was awarded the Green Key environmental certificate, and a year later, the farm was awarded the Slovenia Green Cuisine sustainability label, which certifies the use of fresh, local ingredients and the integration of tradition into modern dishes. In the Gault & Millau Slovenia 2022 Culinary Guide, they received a POP recommendation.

The kitchen prepares daily specials, but if you arrange so before your arrival, they will serve you some other dishes, including warm ocvirkovka, or an ancient dish, medla.

Some other delicacies are homemade strudels, carpaccio, venison dishes… and home-made bread, white or black. It is baked in the bread oven by Fani Kristan every Friday.

Our tip: if you are plan to visit Končovc, we recommend booking.

Javornik 10, 4000 Kranj (Google Maps)

Opening hours:
Tue. – Thu.: upon agreement
Fri.: 12:00 – 22:00
Sat.: 12:00 – 20:00
Sun.: 12:00 – 17:00
Mon. closed

00 386 4 231 03 36

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