Wine route

21-22. & 28-29 November 2025
Tunnels under the old town of Kranj

21-22. & 28-29 November 2025

More info about the event in 2025 will be published in the coming months.


In the “longest wine cellar” in this country, the tunnels under the old town of Kranj, we will once again host winemakers from all Slovenian wine-growing regions. On two weekends in November, 22–23 and 29–30, you will be able to taste the best Slovenian wines, accompanied by tastings of cheese, bread and meat products.

The event will take place on Fridays between 3pm and 8pm and on Saturdays between 12am and 8pm, in groups that enter every 15 minutes.

In the last 15 years, over 200 winemakers have already presented their wines at this event, which is every year attended by over 5000 wine lovers from all over Slovenia and abroad.

The main focus of the event is to educate visitors about wine culture and to showcase various wine varieties, wine makers, their work and products. In addition to wine, cheese, bread and meat products, there will also be olive oil and various sweet and savoury snacks. The event is a great opportunity to discover wines and to find the best Christmas present for your loved ones.

The wine route will take place in the 1300 metres long tunnels of Kranj, with the entrance at Jelenov Klanec and the exit at Pungert. When you purchase your ticket, you will receive a glass, a bag for the glass and a bag in which you can put the goodies you have bought. The Wine Route in the tunnels puts Kranj on the map of the most successful oenological and gastronomic events and is sold out every year.

The longest wine cellar in wine-growing regions of Slovenia

The wine route is 1300 metres long, with the entrance at Jelenov Klanec and the exit at Pungert. Visitors will receive a glass, a glass bag and a bag in which they can put the goodies they have bought. The Wine Route in the tunnels puts Kranj on the map of the most successful oenological and gastronomic events. You are invited to be part of this event.

Taking care of our town 

As the European Destination of Excellence 2023, we follow a sustainable approach at our events. We encourage visitors to arrive to the city in a sustainable way (by bike, on foot, by public transport or car sharing). We run events using glass and reusable eco cups and separate waste collection.

Useful Information

The wine tasting lasts for a maximum of 3 hours from the time of entry written on the ticket.

Only cash can be used to purchase products at this event.

Visitors are advised to bring a rucksack or travel bag if they intend to make a large purchase.

The venue is not suitable for wheelchair users or for people with fear of confined spaces or difficulties in handling them.

By attending the event, all visitors agree that the organiser may publish photographs of them (as part of the larger crowd) from the public event on media portals or use them for the organiser’s commercial or other business purposes.



21-22. & 28-29 November 2025

More info about the event in 2025 will be published in the coming months.

In the “longest wine cellar” in this country, the tunnels under the old town of Kranj, we will once again host winemakers from all Slovenian wine-growing regions. On two weekends in November, 22–23 and 29–30, you will be able to taste the best Slovenian wines, accompanied by tastings of cheese, bread and meat products.

The event will take place on Fridays between 3pm and 8pm and on Saturdays between 12am and 8pm, in groups that enter every 15 minutes.

In the last 15 years, over 200 winemakers have already presented their wines at this event, which is every year attended by over 5000 wine lovers from all over Slovenia and abroad.

The main focus of the event is to educate visitors about wine culture and to showcase various wine varieties, wine makers, their work and products. In addition to wine, cheese, bread and meat products, there will also be olive oil and various sweet and savoury snacks. The event is a great opportunity to discover wines and to find the best Christmas present for your loved ones.

The wine route will take place in the 1300 metres long tunnels of Kranj, with the entrance at Jelenov Klanec and the exit at Pungert. When you purchase your ticket, you will receive a glass, a bag for the glass and a bag in which you can put the goodies you have bought. The Wine Route in the tunnels puts Kranj on the map of the most successful oenological and gastronomic events and is sold out every year.

The longest wine cellar in wine-growing regions of Slovenia

The wine route is 1300 metres long, with the entrance at Jelenov Klanec and the exit at Pungert. Visitors will receive a glass, a glass bag and a bag in which they can put the goodies they have bought. The Wine Route in the tunnels puts Kranj on the map of the most successful oenological and gastronomic events. You are invited to be part of this event.

Taking care of our town 

As the European Destination of Excellence 2023, we follow a sustainable approach at our events. We encourage visitors to arrive to the city in a sustainable way (by bike, on foot, by public transport or car sharing). We run events using glass and reusable eco cups and separate waste collection.

Useful Information

The wine tasting lasts for a maximum of 3 hours from the time of entry written on the ticket.

Only cash can be used to purchase products at this event.

Visitors are advised to bring a rucksack or travel bag if they intend to make a large purchase.

The venue is not suitable for wheelchair users or for people with fear of confined spaces or difficulties in handling them.

By attending the event, all visitors agree that the organiser may publish photographs of them (as part of the larger crowd) from the public event on media portals or use them for the organiser’s commercial or other business purposes.



November 2024

Details of the event 2024 will be announced in the coming months.

Kranj, a charming town in the Alps, halfway between the capital Ljubljana and the enchanting Bled, hosts the Wine Route in the tunnels under the old town. This is a unique culinary event with over 5000 visitors, a tasting of the best Slovenian wines, complemented by tastings of cheesebaked goods and cured meats.

The event is also a special experience because it takes place at a depth of more than 10 metres! Under the city centre there are 1300 metres of underground tunnels, which were built during the Second World War and are now the main attraction of the Wine Route.

Don’t miss this unique experience and join us in the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj on 17, 18, 24 and 25 November 2023!

The excellent wines will be complemented by cheese, breads and sausages. In addition to this, the individual wine-growing regions will be presenting also their tourism, gastronomy and cultural programmes.

Tickets (from €18 onwards) are available on the Eventim website. You can purchase them HERE. With the purchase of the ticket, visitors will receive a glass, a bag for the glass and this year also a shopping bag for wines and other specialties that they might buy.

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Fusce volutpat sodales pretium. Aenean lacinia erat dictum, auctor enim quis, finibus mauris. In rhoncus enim tincidunt dui iaculis, quis iaculis tortor mattis. Donec tincidunt dui ut ante pretium tempor. Vestibulum rutrum blandit lacus, a ultricies enim vulputate a. Ut feugiat bibendum egestas. Integer vel accumsan nisl, at tristique diam.

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Vestibulum sit amet dolor ut diam hendrerit fermentum ac dignissim sem. Vivamus at sollicitudin urna. Curabitur a enim finibus felis placerat tincidunt vitae sed turpis. Duis ullamcorper sem ut viverra convallis. Duis efficitur non ex et ullamcorper. Suspendisse euismod posuere dolor eu blandit. Nulla placerat metus sed tortor porta vehicula. Curabitur vitae risus et odio faucibus bibendum sit amet a diam. Donec non placerat felis. Morbi dignissim sem at blandit ultricies. Phasellus enim turpis, auctor scelerisque tellus sed, aliquam commodo dui. Phasellus sollicitudin dapibus orci eget iaculis. Ut eget eleifend odio.

Suspendisse fermentum eu ligula sed hendrerit. Quisque finibus est diam, vitae laoreet lacus blandit at. Nunc rhoncus a mi sed laoreet. Vivamus quis porta enim. Cras consequat auctor massa, vitae viverra tortor consequat vitae. Proin id ullamcorper neque. Nunc mattis, neque eu accumsan dictum, nunc eros luctus sapien, sed vulputate erat dolor non tellus. Aliquam finibus eros ut odio mattis elementum.