Mala and Velika Poljana

The Small and the Big Poljana are two alpine pastures on the edge of the western ridge of Storžič. From there you can have a great view with the hills of Gorenjska, Škofja Loka and Cerklje in the background. Each pasture has a hut where you can get snacks and refreshments. The path increases slowly and steadily, so the trip is also suitable for families.


Mala and Velika Poljana can be reached from different starting points. From Kranj, it is usual drive to a small parking lot above the village of Povlje. There you can see several signposts and an information board about the educational nature trail of Trstenik, called the “path under the Storžič Mountain”. Take the trail between the two roads that climbs moderately through the forest. After 45 minutes you reach a crossroads where you can sit down and take a break (“prva okrepčevalnica” means something like “first snack bar”). Here you can turn right to the Javornik pasture and the Krničar hut and from there you can reach Velika Poljana. But if you want to walk directly to Velika Poljana, take the lower path to the left, where the forest path climbs steeply at first and then leads to the gravel road, where you turn left and take the so-called Dolenec trail to the hut on Velika Poljana. Wonderful views of Kranj and its surroundings, the hills of Škofja Loka and Cerklje, await you here.


If you wish, you can walk another 20 minutes to Mala Poljana and then take another route back to the car park.


Difficulty: an easy and well-marked path

Hiking time: 2 hours

Difference in altitude: 700m

Starting point: Povlje (710m above sea level)

Destination: Velika Poljana (1410m), Mala Poljana (1325m)

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