Actum Hotel is co-creating a green story of sustainable tourism in our city

We are proud to announce that the Actum Hotel in Kranj has become a Green Key certified hotel. The management and staff of the Actum Hotel have decided to make their business sustainable and green.

They entered and successfully passed the certification process for the GREEN KEY Sustainable Accommodation Certificate. This certificate is the leading standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainability in the tourism industry.

It ensures a hotel’s commitment to the environment and sustainable development, and enables its guests to help protect the environment by acting in an environmentally conscious way.

The vision of the Slovenian Tourist Board (STO) is that Slovenia is a green, sustainable boutique destination for the discerning visitor seeking diverse and active experiences, peace and something beneficial for them personally.

In Kranj, we also follow these trends and guidelines. In 2016, the Municipality of Kranj already defined itself as a sustainable urban centre of the Gorenjska region, by adopting the strategic document Sustainable Urban Strategy Kranj 2030.

This year, we have also joined the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, with 53 Slovenian destinations that have already been awarded the Slovenia Green label.

The Actum Hotel, with the certification it has obtained, is co-creating a green story of sustainable tourism in our city, so we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the team of the hotel and congratulate them on this achievement.

The Actum Hotel’s entry into the family of Green Key recipients is not only the result of their commitment to sustainable and green business, but also the result of all the activities that the City of Kranj, together with the Kranj Tourism and Culture Board, has been carrying out throughout this year.

In addition to the presentation of the Green Scheme and the sustainability certificates to the professional public, it has also been essential to establish such links with the tourism industry, and we are delighted that this has already borne fruit.

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