
The cycling trail is suitable for trekking bikes and mountain bikes, since most of it runs on gravel and forest roads, there are asphalt roads only through the villages Voklo and Voglje, but there is not much traffic on them. That’s why this is also a good trip for children and there are no hills to cycle. Late in the afternoon, you will encounter many forest animals and in early summer there is a scent of blueberries everywhere around Voglje.


Cross the road at the traffic lights by the Tuš Planet shopping centre or at the town cemetery and drive towards the large farm in Hrastje – this is a gravel road at first that then turns into an asphalt road before you reach the farm. Cross the road next to its industrial building and turn right onto a forest path. When another forest path crosses it, turn sharply left and then right soon. This is how you find the cycle trail No. 3 which you follow until you see the church Voklo on your left.

A map of the route (.gpx format) can be downloaded HERE.

Cycle through the village and then turn right to a field road to Voglje. At the end of this field you will meet a nice and diverse forest path to Vodice. Turn left and cycle along the motorway and through the underpass, then you will soon reach a bridge over the motorway on the other side. Before the bridge you can turn left or go straight and you will come to Vodice. If you would like to return to Kranj, go across the bridge and back on the other side, then before the village of Voglje the forest road joins the road on which you cycled on the way there.


Difficulty level: 2/5

Duration1–1.5 hours

Distance:  20.3 km

Difference in altitude: none

Ground: gravel

Starting point: parking in front of Qlandia or Tuš planet


Map of the route.gpx format (download >> HERE)

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