Restaurant Arvaj at the bridge

V Gostilni Arvaj kuhajo sveže pripravljene malice, imajo stalno ponudbo okusnih kosil. Ne spreglejte kranjske klobase – Arvajeve, seveda!

The Arvaj restaurant has a picturesque view of the Kokra River canyon and is famous for its best Slovenian specialty – the best Kranj sausage there is, protected with a geographical indication at EU level. A large part of their menu is made from local produce and based on home-made meat delicacies, a reason why they were proud to receive the Restaurant Slovenia quality label.

  • LocationKajuhova ulica 2, 4000 Kranj (Google Maps)
  • Opening hours:

Mon – Sat: 8am – 11pm

Sun: 9am – 4pm

  • Contact:

00 386 280 01 00 

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