People usually call this hill right above Kranj simply Šmarjetna. It is 646 meters high and offers excellent opportunities for sports, walks in nature or for enjoying the view and delicious food.
When the weather is nice you can see one-fifth of Slovenia from here!
The top can be reached by car, mountain bike or on foot and the paths are well kept. One of the easiest routes starts in the village Stražišče, next to the gloomy castle of Schrottenturn. On top of the hill stand the church of St. Margaret and the Hotel Bellevue, where you can have lunch, snacks and refreshments or dinner every day.
- Location: Šmarjetna gora 6, 4000 Kranj (Google Maps)
- Opening hours: Hotel Bellvue: Restaurant (10am–10pm)
- Contact: Hotel Bellevue / tel. 04 270 00 00