Row of trees along the Sava River and Struževo

If you don’t have a lot of free time and still want to jog or walk in nature, choose the path along the Sava in Kranj. In the summer months it is pleasantly fresh and quiet, as if you were far away from the noise of the city.


The charming path begins right under the bridge over the river island and runs all the way to the sports park in Struževo. It is unpaved but well maintained and there are some benches where you can rest and enjoy the view of the river. From here you can often see even the ski jumpers on the hill of Šmarjetna gora.


You can also walk through the village of Struževo and then along the Sava River to a bank where you can sit on the pebbles by the water. On the way back you can visit the island on Sava, since Café Bazen await you there and for a pleasant break.



Starting point: Kranj – bridge over the Sava island

Destination: Struževo
Distance: 1km through the row of trees and 2.4km to the pebbles by the river

Duration: 0.30 hour in one direction

Difficulty: easy walking path

Markings: not marked

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Vestibulum sit amet dolor ut diam hendrerit fermentum ac dignissim sem. Vivamus at sollicitudin urna. Curabitur a enim finibus felis placerat tincidunt vitae sed turpis. Duis ullamcorper sem ut viverra convallis. Duis efficitur non ex et ullamcorper. Suspendisse euismod posuere dolor eu blandit. Nulla placerat metus sed tortor porta vehicula. Curabitur vitae risus et odio faucibus bibendum sit amet a diam. Donec non placerat felis. Morbi dignissim sem at blandit ultricies. Phasellus enim turpis, auctor scelerisque tellus sed, aliquam commodo dui. Phasellus sollicitudin dapibus orci eget iaculis. Ut eget eleifend odio.

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