Cultural strolls though the old town

Kranj is the city of Prešeren

There is hardly a place in this town that would not remind us of France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet, a great cosmopolitan and philanthropist. The seventh stanza of his poem “Toast” is now the Slovenian national anthem. The poet lived in Kranj in the middle of the 19th century. You can get to know him better in the Prešeren House memorial museum or on a guided tour called CIFRA-MOŽ (“Heads or Tails”), which you can book at the Tourist Information Centre. In Kranj, a street is named after Prešeren, as well as the theatre, a school, a gallery, the library facade features his verses, you can see his statue and much more. He is buried in the memorial park called Prešeren Grove or Prešernov gaj.

Church of Sts. Cantius, Cantianus, Cantianilla and Protus

The 15th century church is one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture in Slovenia. An underground ossuary next to the church can be visited as well. The bell tower of the church is open to visitors and its viewing platform, located at a height of 40 meters, offers a magnificent view of the city. For a visit, please contact the Tourist Information Centre.

Tunnels under the old town of Kranj

1300 meters of underground tunnels lie beneath the old city and were once an air raid shelter, built during World War II. Today many events, connected to culture and food, take place there. You can take a classic or digital guided tour through them and discover the city’s glorious past. For a visit, please contact the Tourist Information Centre. Make a reservation.

Museum path

Get to know the noble past of the Gorenjska region and its people on this path by the Gorenjska Museum. In Khislstein Castle, you can see two lamellar armours and an angon javelin from the second half of the 6th century AD. The armours, a status symbol of the then military elite, are unique on a global scale, as only seven of them have been found that are almost completely preserved. Make a reservation.

Janez Puhar’s cabinet

Enter the world of the first Slovenian photographer and inventor of photography on glass. The house has a museum room, a room of moving images and illusions, and a 19th-century photography studio where a photographic portrait on glass can be made of you.. More info >>

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