Tunnels under the old town of Kranj

Did you know that secret tunnels are hidden under the historic town centre? They were built during WW2 and were fist used as shelters for the population of Kranj.

The tunnels through the conglomerate rock stretch across 1300 metres. They are man-made, but the climate there is similar to natural caves, so there are dripstones and rare animals like cave crickets and cave orbweavers. Inside a tunnel, you can take a look at an exhibition on the history of the underground of Kranj and its builders, Josip Slavec and Josip Dedek.

When the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj were opened to the public, they received an award for creative and innovative achievements in Slovenian tourism – the silver Sejalec. Explore the network of the underground of Kranj that lies hidden under our historic town and join a guided tour. 


More information:

Regular guided tours through the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj:


  • Tuesday at 5pm
  • Friday at 5pm
  • Saturday at 10am
  • Sunday at 10am

Duration: 1 hour

CAUTION: Warm clothing and shoes are required to visit the cold underground environment (10–12 °C!).


7,00 €/person (VAT included)

5,00€/person (children up to 16 years of age and pensioners over 65 years of age)

Free regular guided tours for all children up to 3 years of age accompanied by their parents or guardians.

We would like to ask you to register in advance by e-mail to info@visitkranj.si or by telephone on 00 386 4 238 04 50 and do so at least one day before the desired date of the tour. The tickets for the tour can be purchased at Kranjska hiša, located at Glavni trg 2, which is also our meeting point.


Guided tours through the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj on agreement:

Duration: 1 hour


80 €/group in Slovenian language (groups of up to 15 persons)

5 €/person (groups of 16 to 25 persons)

95 €/group in a foreign language (groups of up to 15 persons)

6 €/person in foreign language (groups of 16 to 25 persons)


Included in the price: Entrance fee, exhibition of minerals and fossils, local tour guide. VAT is included.

Application and booking: info@visitkranj.si

Information: 00 386 4 2380 450

View the current prices of guided tours here.

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