Tunnels under the old town of Kranj – self-guided tour

In the conglomerate rock under the old town, 1300 m long tunnels were built during World War II. Visitors are able visit some of them on their own and others with a professional guide.

During the tour, they can learn about the mysterious world of natural caves, where stalactites are forming and where cave animals live, they can experience a simulation of an air raid and learn something about recent history.

This year’s novelty is that from December 5, 2024 to January 31, 2025, the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj will be decorated in a festive ‘outfit’. Therefore, we cordially invite you to book your tour HERE.

More information:

Tours: daily 9am – 6pm (exceptions: Friday and Saturday and from 27.12. to 31.12. 9am – 7pm)
Duration: 1 hour

2€/person (children up to 16 years, seniors over 65 years)
Children up to 3 years of age are admitted free of charge.

CAUTION: Warm clothing and shoes are required to visit the cold underground environment (10–12 °C).


This year’s novelty during the Cheerful December is that the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj are decorated like a fairy-tale. You are invited to take a self-guided tour.

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