These three restaurants in Kranj are recommended by the Austrian culinary magazine Falstaff

A few days ago, the Austrian culinary magazine Falstaff published a list of the best restaurants in Slovenia and Croatia. Three restaurants from Kranj are listed among the best Slovenian restaurants: Gostilna Krištof, Gostilna pr’ Matičku and Brioni restaurant and café.

While Krištof and Matiček have been ranked among the best by this Austrian magazine in the past, Brioni is a newcomer this year.

Among the three restaurants in Kranj, Falstaff awarded the highest score of 91 points to Gostilna Krištof (Predoslje 22, Kranj – Google Maps), being more than just a “gostilna” according to the reviewers. The brothers Krištof and Tomaž Bolka, they wrote, have “carefully infused the restaurant with the spirit of the present times”, while chef Uroš Gorjanc takes care of his fine craftsmanship of regional cuisine, bringing in modern elements. The Falstaff magazine description goes on to mention the “delightful wines” and freshly squeezed juices. The Krištof restaurant has received three forks on the Falstaff ranking.

Krištof Restaurant: brothers Tomaž and Krištof Bolka and chef Uroš Gorjanc. Photo: Dean Duboković / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj
Krištof Restaurant: brothers Tomaž and Krištof Bolka and chef Uroš Gorjanc. Photo: Dean Duboković / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj

Two forks were again awarded to Gostilna pr’ Matičku (41 Jezerska cesta, Kranj – Google Maps). The restaurant, run by chef Matjaž Erzar – Matiček and his partner Simona Virant, scored 86 points, one more than the previous year. Austrian reviewers mention their game dishes and also that, despite the proximity to the city, “one feels like being in a restaurant in the countryside”.

This year, the Falstaff magazine again gave two forks to the Matiček restaurant. Photo: Črt Piksi / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj
This year, the Falstaff magazine again gave two forks to the Matiček restaurant. Photo: Črt Piksi / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj

This year’s novelty on the Austrian list is another popular place for foodies in Kranj, Brioni restaurant (Koroška cesta 10, Kranj – Google Maps) with two forks. It was awarded 85 points and a description that mentions good coffee as well as desserts and a restaurant run by chef Tomaž Polenec. His cuisine was described by the Austrian magazine as modern, underlined with local flavours and a French flair.

Tomaž Polenec’s cuisine at Restaurant Brioni is characterised by local ingredients and French inspiration. Photo: Črt Piksi / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj
Tomaž Polenec’s cuisine at Restaurant Brioni is characterised by local ingredients and French inspiration. Photo: Črt Piksi / archive of the Tourism and Culture Board Kranj

If, while reading these lines, you were tempted by other culinary stories that will happen in Kranj this summer, you can read more here about the planning of the new Kranj Long Table, the summer edition of the Open Kitchen in Kranj and other culinary events that are coming soon to the biggest town in the Gorenjska region.

One more thing: in Slovenia, the highest number of points, 96, was awarded to Hiša Franko and its chef Ana Roš (who has already kindly asked the Austrian team to remove the name of the restaurant and her name from the list because it was not the current menu that was described), followed by Pri Lojzetu (Dvorec Zemono), Grič (Šentjošt nad Horjulom) and Hiša Denk (Zgornja Kungota) with 95 points.

In Croatia, the Falstaff reviewers highlighted the culinary experience at the three highest-rated restaurants, awarding 95 points to Pelegrini in Šibenik, Lemongarden in Sutivan on the island of Brač and Agli Amici in Rovinj.

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