Bell tower of St. Kancijan’s Church and Tunnels under the old town of Kranj

For a magnificent view over the city, climb the bell tower of the church of St. Kancijan and discover the secrets of the Carniolan underground in the tunnels under the old town of Kranj.

Church of St. Kancijan, with its mighty and strategically located appearance, is the most recognizable building in the city view. Its bell tower rises 60 meters high. There are 163 steps winding into it, ending at the viewing platform.

Behind the almost 600-year-old walls, the visitor discovers the architectural and historical attractions of the church, which has been declared a cultural monument of national importance. Church bells are also a real specialty. A step onto the viewing platform reveals a magnificent view of the city, which stands on a 30 m high rock in the embrace of two rivers, the Sava and the Kokra. The view from here extends to all three chains of the Slovenian Alps and all four sides of the sky.

Beneath the old town of Kranj are hidden tunnels that were built during World War II and originally served as a city shelter. The path, which is 1,300 meters long and leads through the Carniolan conglomerate rock, is full of interesting stories and experiences. Underground tunnels are the work of human hands, but due to the climate, which is similar to a natural cave, stalactites are formed, and rare cave animals such as cave locusts and cave mint spiders also live there.

On the guided tour you will learn about the history of the Carniolan tunnels, their builders Josip Slavec and Josip Dedek, an exhibition of minerals and fossils, and the reconstruction of the shelter from the 2nd World War with air raid simulation. At the opening, the tunnels under old Kranj received recognition for their creative and innovative achievements in Slovenian tourism – the Silver Sower.


More information:

Visiting the Bell tower and guided tour through the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj:

Dates: every Tuesday and Friday at 4.30pm and every Saturday and Sunday at 10am

Duration: 1 hour

Price: 10 € / person (up to 25 persons)


Guided tours of the Bell tower and through the Tunnels under the old town of Kranj:

Dates: every Tuesday and Friday at 4.30pm and every Saturday and Sunday at 10am

Duration: 1,5 hours

Price: 12 € / person (up to 25 persons)


Included in the price: Entrance fee, visit to the exhibition of minerals and fossils, visit to the animation room of the air raid simulation, guide and accompaniment of the local tourist guide. VAT is included.


We would like to ask you to register in advance by e-mail to or by telephone on 00 386 4 238 04 50 and do so at least one day before the desired date of the tour. The tickets for the tour can be purchased at Kranjska hiša, located at Glavni trg 2, which is also our meeting point.


View the current prices of guided tours here.

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